In a significant recognition, the City and County of Denver honored the Denver Sister Cities’ Young Ambassadors earlier this week. The acknowledgment took place in a symbolic ceremony before the City Council Meeting.
The group of 14 exemplary young adults took an Oath of Responsibility, marking their commitment to represent Denver with honor during their journey abroad. Their pledge was recognized by the Council during the meeting, adding to the gravity of their mission.
These young ambassadors have embarked on a journey to Brest, France, Denver’s first sister city. They set off on March 14th and have already begun their experiences in Brest, representing our city with pride and enthusiasm.

We extend our gratitude to Denver City Council for their acknowledgment of these young ambassadors, and a special thanks to @shontel4council, @denversluckydistrict7, @denverperfect10, @florfordenver, @dianaromerocampbelld4, @councilwomantorres, @councilwoman_sgg, @watsonfordenver and @sandovalcd’ for their unwavering support.
Stay tuned for updates on the Denver Young Ambassadors’ journey in Brest. We are excited to see the impact they will make and the experiences they will bring back to Denver.